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Why Blog

The art of blogging has come a long way since it first began, back in the 1990’s. Originally, blogging was a way for people to share their stories, opinions, and experiences. Now, blogging has expanded into a useful, inexpensive, and effective marketing tool.

There’s no debate about it- blogging is crucial in today’s content marketing environment. No matter if you’re a small business or a multimillion dollar industry leader, blogging is integral to your online content marketing strategy.

There are 4 main reasons you should blog:

  1. Drive traffic to your website
  2. Increase your SEO
  3. Position yourself as an industry leader
  4. Develop better customer relationships

Drive traffic to your website:

Blogging allows you the opportunity to create content not only for your current customers, but also for your target market as a whole. By using the proper SEO and keywords, your blog will attract new prospective customers to your website.

Posting your blog links to your company’s social media platforms will increase your blog’s reach and further add to the opportunity of being exposed to new, prospective customers. In addition, you should include inbound links in the blog that bring viewers to other pages on your website.

Increase your SEO:

Having fresh, constantly flowing content on your page is essential when attracting people to your website. Especially when speaking of SEO. The better your SEO is, the more apt you are to be found online. Being easily found is crucial, not only because you want to stay relevant, but because Google is constantly crawling the web in search for new content. If your content runs stale, your Google search rankings will drop, making you less relevant. Using strong keywords and blogging regularly will increase your SEO and keep your website relevant.  

Position yourself as an industry leader:

Posting well researched and well written blogs on a regular basis will position you as an industry leader. By writing about topics that your target market will be interested in and will find useful, you will prove to them your knowledge of the industry.  

Don’t forget, you are building trust between yourselves and prospective customers, so be sure that you are well-versed in your field.

Develop better customer relationships:

Blogs are a way for you to deepen the connection between yourself and your customers. By showing them you understand their interests and are willing to invest the time it takes to educate yourself and them about such interests will go a long way.

With the massive amount of growth we’ve seen, the art of blogging has shifted from just being a way to express yourself to being a serious marketing tool. This growth has allowed for businesses to become a reliable source of information for their customers, which then builds trust. If you and your company aren’t blogging yet, you are missing out on great opportunities to connect with your customers, prospective customers, and on the chance to become an industry leader.



Topics: blogging, writing, marketing