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5 Ways to Do SEO Like a Pro

In the age of the Empowered Buyer, it’s crucial to make it easy for your target audiences to find you online. These days, consumers are already halfway to making a purchasing decision before they reach out to you directly. This is because they are doing their research digitally, and therefore do not need to contact you immediately. 

Using Your Website as a Marketing Tool

Have you ever looked at your business' website and wondered, "What is the point of this thing?" If so, you've probably got some work to do. A website should not be something that is built, published, and never touched again. If you think about it, your website serves several functions, such as attracting new leads, processing sales, and advertising your brand. One of the greatest ways a business can hurt themselves is by treating their website like an online brochure, instead of their strongest marketing asset. With that in mind, don’t you want a website that doesn’t just work, but works for you?

Content's role in the marketing funnel

Did you know that only 3% of buyers are active buyers? Active buyers are ready to purchase and are searching for the company that can best meet their needs. 

That means that 97% of buyers are passive buyers. They're in the early stages of the buyer's journey and still investigating solutions to their problems. That's why it is crucial that companies produce helpful content that positions them a resource for prospective buyers in this early stage, and that guides buyers through the subsequent stages of the buyer's journey. 

Using Chatbots for Lead Generation

How did Amazon increase order completion by 30%? How did Amtrak increase bookings by 25%? Chatbots.

Inbound Marketing Drives Leads for Financial Planners

Marcus Sheridan of The Sales Lion claims that 70% of people who contact a company already know they’re going to do business with them. That’s because they’ve done their research online prior to contact; even if they’re looking for a financial advisor. Therefore, having an effective, optimized online presence is required in order to compete these days.

Building Trust Online

The Internet can be a cold and lonely place. When it comes to establishing viewer trust, having solid calls-to-action, offering engaging content, and responding quickly to customer inquiries isn’t always enough. Though it’s not easy, it’s also not impossible to gain the trust of your viewers.

Reducing Your Website’s Bounce Rate

Your website’s bounce rate is a metric that shows the percentage of people who land on your page (visit your website) and leave without clicking any links. These visitors are often referred to as “single-page visitors.” A single page visit could happen for many reasons: Maybe someone accidentally clicked on your page; maybe they thought you offered a different service than what is presented on your home page; or maybe they just don’t like the way your page looks, so they leave. Whatever the case may be, when you look at your page’s bounce rate, you want to see a low percentage, so let’s work on that.