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What Are Google Search Ads?

If you’re ready to enter the world of digital advertising, Google is a great place to start. After all, it is the most popular search engine on the planet. Advertising on this platform gives you access to the millions of people around the world that make up Google’s audience. If that sounds good to you, the first step is to choose between a Google Display Ad or a Google Search Ad. This blog will give you some insight on Google Search Ads specifically, and why they might be a good choice for you.

What Are Google Search Ads?

Are you wondering what a Google Search Ad even is? Well, you know when you Google something and see the word “Ad” in front of the first few results? Those are Google Search Ads! Each one is made up of a headline, a description, and a URL. This is the same format as organic Google search results, except for the “Ad” label, which is great because users are accustomed to seeing it and comfortable clicking on the links.

Google Search Ads

Another mystery to those who have not run their own campaigns yet is how those ads end up there. Depending on the term entered by the user, Google will display relevant ads on the search engine results page (SERP). These ads can appear at the top of, next to, or at the bottom of search results across Google’s Search Network, including Google Search, Google Play, Google Maps, Google Shopping, and thousands of other search partner websites.

You might also be asking yourself what the point of running an ad campaign like this is? A variety of goals can be achieved by using Google Search Ads, including finding new leads, increasing sales, and getting more website visits, phone calls, or even in-person visits. There are several Google Search Ad formats that can help you achieve these goals, such as text ads, call-only ads, dynamic search ads, shopping ads for e-commerce retailers, and responsive search ads.

When creating responsive search ads, you enter in multiple headlines and descriptions. Google will test your options until the program comes up with the combination that performs best among your target audience (that means it gets the most clicks). Then the platform will display that version to users. This is a big upgrade from your typical, static ad!

How Much Will Google Search Ads Cost You?

If you’re stepping out of your unpaid marketing comfort zone and into the world of digital advertising for the first time, you’re likely very concerned about how much this is going to cost you. The good news is that setting up the Google Ads platform is usually free for smaller advertisers with typical needs! Although bigger businesses may need to use, and pay for, Search Ads 360.

Once you’re all set up, you’ll come to see that Google Ads is a pay-per-click (PPC) platform. This means you pay when users interact with your ads. (It also means that Google only makes money when they display ads that consumers find useful enough to click on.) However, there is no standard price for a campaign because Google Search Ads utilize an auction system. Advertisers set their own bid, which is the amount they are willing to pay per click, to participate in an auction. Although bids play a big role in whether your ad will win an auction or not, relevance and quality (of both the ad and your website) are also key components of the Google Ad ranking algorithm. It’s also worth noting that, in the end, you’re often charged less than your original bid.

The main takeaway is that you can’t predict the exact amount of money you’ll spend per click, or how many clicks your ad will get. The end cost will depend on a variety of factors, like how competitive the keywords your ad is using are and the conversion you want to achieve. A helpful tool in combating this challenge is the Google Keyword Planner, which can show you the average cost per click (CPC) for any keyword you intend to use in your ad. Also, you can always set a maximum expenditure, so it is possible to estimate spend in advance of running an ad.

Plus, the Google Ads platform gives you a lot of control over how much you’re spending once a campaign is up and running. It allows you to set daily budgets that can easily and quickly be increased, decreased, or even paused. To avoid breaking the bank, it might be a good idea to start with small campaigns and scale up when your ads start producing the desired results. In summary, although Google Ads aren’t always cheap, they’ll likely provide you with better ROI than more traditional advertising channels, and here’s why…

Why Should You Run Google Search Ads?

When advertising with traditional channels, the goal is often to reach as many people as possible. However, since some of these people will not be interested in what you’re advertising, that can result in wasted money. Google Search Ads, on the other hand, allow you to create targeted audiences using demographics, interests, purchase intent, website signals, and remarketing data.

On top of advanced targeting capabilities, Google Search Ads are designed to reach people who are actively researching and shopping. Think about it – where do you go first when looking for information? Google is a common answer to this question.

With Google Search Ads, you can be confident that your message is showing up for users who are already looking for the kinds of products or services you offer. Because someone must be searching for a keyword that you have included in your campaign to see your ad at all, you can expect good conversion rates. Google provides you with a warmed-up audience of people who have genuine interest in what you do and are seeking the types of solutions you provide.

Another great reason to use Google Search Ads is that the platform has created an equal playing field for advertisers. Due to the auction algorithms, no matter the size or your business or your budget, you can reach potential customers. Small and local businesses who are trying to raise brand awareness and reach new audiences should take advantage of this opportunity.

Now, we understand that it can be a little intimidating to advertise on a platform as large as Google. It comforts us to know that the company’s goal is to provide users with relevant information to help them find exactly what they’re looking for. Google Search Ads really are a win-win option because they benefit both advertisers and consumers. If you would like assistance with your next Google Ad campaign, feel free to contact us at any time.

Photo Credit: IB Photography - stock.adobe.com

Topics: digital advertising