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The Importance of Customer Reviews

It’s no secret that most consumers research products and services before turning from prospect to customer. What they most want to hear about are experiences other people have had with a company. According to Planet Marketing, 90% of people check out what their peers are saying about a business first, then decide if they’d like to interact further. Also, 72% of people said they will only interact with a business that has positive reviews. Why is this? 

Battle of the Email Marketing Software: HubSpot VS Constant Contact

If you’re looking for new email marketing software, you’re probably wondering why there are so many options, and most importantly, which one will work best for your company. Well, each service offers a lot of the same basic features, but they also specialize in different tools, capabilities, and integrations. Like anything in marketing, you must consider your goals, strategy, and audience in order to make an informed decision. Choosing the right email marketing software for your company is less about which one is superior and more about which one is the best match for you.

Businesses Are Missing the Boat on Instagram Stories Stickers

Many businesses have started posting Instagram Stories on a regular basis, as they should! Over 500 million people use the feature every day. Because this content disappears after 24 hours, its style and format are usually more casual than a traditional social media post. This can be off putting if your company is trying Stories out for the first time and you’re used to presenting yourself very professionally online. Take a breath. It’s okay, and actually recommended, to show your company culture and prove your authenticity on social media. Stories are a great place to do this because the content is ephemeral. 

Digital Marketing for Financial Advisors - 5 Actionable Tips

If you’re a financial advisor, wouldn’t it be helpful if you could find out exactly what your prospects are concerned about? If you could, it would allow you to craft your messaging to address those concerns and use targeted digital ads to reach those have them. 

Why Invest in a Women-Owned Business

The initials ESG refer to the factors used to measure the environmental and ethical impact of investing in a company. The “G” stands for governance, corporate governance to be exact. A trend within the group of investors who care about the systems, structures and policies governing a corporation is investing in more women-owned and women-led businesses.

Social Media Stories

We don’t say much about Snapchat anymore because for most brands, though certainly not all, this platform holds very little value, especially in comparison with other options. However, it’s worth noting that a feature they introduced in October of 2013 totally changed the game for all social media platforms - Snapchat Stories. Thus began the social experience of sharing content in real time, in the narrative format of a micro-documentary that could be re-watched for a whole day until the snaps disappeared 24 hours after being posted. Users were instantly delighted by this new way of sharing their lives on social media.

How to Write a Great Marketing Email

You might not think about it this way when going through your junk folder, but email marketing is quite the art form. Although some companies may only be sending hard sales pitches to their contacts, that is a mistake. Marketing emails are meant to be relationship building tools, and they’re definitely tools that you want to use correctly. According to HubSpot, 59% of marketers say email is their biggest source of ROI.

Museum Marketing - Time to Get Social

Sometimes, the best combinations are the unexpected ones, such as museums and selfies. In the past, history and art museums were slow to adopt new technologies, but not these days! In 2015, London blogger Mar Dixon started Museum Selfie Day. She had visited several museums with her daughter and realized that posting about them on social media would be a great way to showcase these places that she loves. Now, every January 21, people worldwide post photos of themselves at their favorite museums as a modern sign of support!

Time to Spring Clean Your Digital Clutter

Spring cleaning is not exclusively relevant to 1950s housewives. If you work in an office setting, you probably already have a pretty good idea of how much clutter can affect your productivity. This extends beyond a messy desk. Although many business people are on their computers for nearly 40 hours a week, there are still plenty of digital tasks that get pushed aside time and time again. The turn of the season is a great excuse to finally take a moment to accomplish these things. Trust us, it’s worth taking the time at least once a year. It will not only positively impact your productivity, but you might be ignoring crucial digital marketing to-dos that could bring you more business. Here are this spring’s top 5 digital cleaning tasks you should add to your list…

4 Ways Digital Marketing Can Help During COVID-19

Everyone shares a common concern about how the pandemic is impacting business. Many are wondering, "How do I share important information with my clients or customers when we’re all working and communicating in new ways?" Here are 4 critical activities your business should be doing right now to stay in touch...